Learn How to Take Cialis with the Right and Appropriate Method

Cialis and Viagra are one of the most favorite medicines among many men as there are several sexual benefits.

Before proceeding to learn how to take Cialis with the right and appropriate method, it is very important to know two things. First thing is that this information does not address or seek to replace the expertise and judgment of your doctor. So it is strongly recommended consulting your doctor before start consuming Cialis. The following information and method may not apply to every person. And the dosage is varied from person to person. Secondly, we do not recommend Cialis as an alternative to erectile dysfunction or impotence, but we have provided following information because of a large amount of misinformation on the Internet about how to take Cialis.


Oral uses of Cialis:

Cialis or Tadalafil is used to treat erectile impotence in men. This is done by blocking a certain enzyme in the body which is also called as PDE5. This blockage, plus the correct sexual stimulation, helps blood flow to the penis to achieve the goal of maintaining an erection.

Additionally, Tadalafil is also used to treat symptoms of Prostatic Hyperplasia. It is thought that by blocking the enzyme the smooth muscle of the prostate and the bladder relaxes. This helps reduce symptoms of hyperplasia such as difficulty starting to urinate, poor urine output, and the urge to urinate frequently including mid-night.

How to take Cialis properly?

Cialis should be taken orally with or without having eaten. In some cases, doctors recommend it after eating, but it is not so relevant. When you take Cialis to treat prostatic hyperplasia, you should take one pill per day.

When you go to take Cialis for impotence or erectile dysfunction, there are two ways you can do it. Usually, your doctor should determine which the best way is for you.

  1. If you are going to use it daily, you should prescribe a dose that normally ranges from 2.5 to 5 mg. per day, depending on the severity of the case.
  2. When you use the pill only for the moment "when you need it", the dose is higher. It is normally 20 milligrams. You must take it at least 30 minutes before sexual intercourse. The effect of Cialis usually lasts up to 36 hours.

Remember that you are in danger mixing Cialis with certain medications, so speak well with your doctor and tell him what other medications you are using.

It is advisable do not mix Cialis with grapefruit juice. This juice increases the number of certain enzymes in your body that can be harmful to your blood pressure when mixed with Cialis.

Usually, there is a manual and quick guide is included with every Cialis. If you still have any questions, it is advisable to ask your pharmacist or doctor. If you need more information about how to take Cialis, go directly to your doctor and do not invent to take it on your own, since you could unnecessarily put your health at risk.