Can Citric Acid Supplements Replace Cialis as Treatment for ED?

We all have in some point of our life heard about a term called erectile dysfunction. Well, erectile dysfunction is a disease which is predominantly seen among the men who belong in the age group of 35 to 45 years. Basically, erectile dysfunction is a phenomena in which a person becomes completely unable to achieve a penis erection. Apart from the inability to achieve an erection, he might get extreme pain and agony if he manages to even get his penis hard enough.

But, today we will not be discussing about any oral medications which are used to cure the symptoms of erectile dysfunction. Rather, we will be discussing about a pioneering discovery which has made the entire erectile dysfunction drugs market to tighten up their socks. This article studies about how citric acid and citrus fruits have become the safest options to fight and cure the symptoms of erectile dysfunction.

Citrus Fruits

The citrus fruits are very rich when it comes to biochemical and vitamins. Especially the fruits which are considered as the hub of citric acid are grapes, oranges, berries and in some cases, red wine. So the most interesting thing about this biochemical is that the citric acid and the related vitamins have been found to produce healthy and enhanced penis erection among men. And thus, it has been concluded that since these citric acid sources can produce such tremendous erections among men 30 sources of Vitamin C and citric acid can also help in curing and bringing down the symptoms of erectile dysfunction and other various sexual impotencies.

The researchers and scientists have started to praise the usefulness of citric acid to such an extent that it has been suggested by various renowned urologist that if a person tries and succeed in consuming lots and lots of citric fruits in a day, it will stand up to a beneficiary activity which will be compared to approximately 5 to 6 hours of regular jogging. The most important part in the fruit which has high quantity of citric acid is the amount of flavonoids present in it does, each and every patient of a 10 days function should start to consume as much as flavonoid possible so that he can get relief from any kind of uncertainty about your health are the symptoms of erectile dysfunction.

So, now the crucial question which arises is that what are these flavonoids? Well to be precise and simple flavonoids are the crucial compounds which are responsible for providing specific and particular colour to each and every fruit that we see but if we focus on the treatment of erectile dysfunction, such flavonoids can be broken down into three most crucial components of flavonoids these three crucial components of flavonoids are known as anthocyanin, Flavones and finally the third one is known as Flavanones.

The importance of having a diet regimen which is rich in citrus fruit can be easily understood by a recent survey by the University of England. Well, according to the research papers which has been established, it has been seen that the men who have a high consumption of citric fruits are 15% more likely to be protected from any kind of symptoms of erectile dysfunction or other sexual impotencies.