How Compatible Is The Intake Of Cialis And Alcohol Intake

One of the major consequences of alcohol on the potency of a man has been proven via a number of clinical discoveries. At a rather younger age, a number of men have formed opinion about the intake of alcohol in many ways helps in improving their level of sexual competency, they claim that among others, it helps them to overcome challenges such as the fear that is associated with having sex for the very first time, issues of distemper, situations that may actually lead to stress, lowered self-esteem issues, as well as becoming quickly overstrained. As such, these instances go on to establish the fact that intake of alcohol in a way assists men in boosting their emotional state per time which may if not well addresses served as a hindrance to the level of sexual performance of such an individual. It should however not be ignored that alcohol does come with its very own dangers to the health of a person per time.

Intake Of Alcohol

Effects of alcohol on the health of a man

An initial look at the situation will reveal to one that quite a number of men actually believe that upon the intake of alcohol, there is an increase in their potency due to the fact they become apparently become a lot more relaxed and creative during sexual intercourse. In addition to this, they also enjoy a longer span of sexual activity per time, the reason for this is simply the fact that alcohol apparently delays the moment when a man actually ejaculates. The reasons for this are that there is the absorption of alcohol into the system of circulation which is then accompanied by the engorgement of the vessels, which in turn leads to the stimulation of the human nervous system. Also, this leads to the vessels that are found in the brain is enlarged and therefore leading to mild euphoria.

However, the above-illustrated factors only create a short-term effect and after a short period, the vessel constriction surfaces that therefore leads to a reduction in the level of sexual potency as well as arousal of sexual desires. Furthermore, regular alcohol intake leads to the reduction of the genitals, also it leads to a reduction in the level of testosterone which therefore sees a reduction of the human sperm and then finally, it leads to outright infertility.

What is the way forward?

In a situation whereby one finds himself in a state whereby he desires to have his sexual drive restore upon the long-term use of alcohol, the first step to take will definitely be to clear off alcohol intake from every form of daily life experience. However, not all men will be willing to make this sort of sacrifice, hence the need to find a sort of middle ground for all parties. The solution to this is simply the usage of Cialis. This medication can be taken alongside alcohol; however, the alcohol should be of high quality and low quantity.